10/16/24 General Membership Meeting

Minutes from the Board and General membership meetings.

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10/16/24 General Membership Meeting

#1 Post by dryer »

Fairbanks Snow Travelers General Meeting
Meeting Minutes

The General Meeting of the Fairbanks Snow Travelers was called to order at 7:19pm on Wednesday, Oct 16, 2024 at Compeau’s, Fairbanks, AK.

Board Members Present
Dan Cryer, Diane Cryer, Mike Canady, Melinda Harris, Tim Lokker, Rich Doering

Financial Report
1. Checking $1957, Savings 6941, CD $3417.
2. Expenses include $370 for a 10X20 carport and storage box (which broke and bent in high winds), $172 for a case and repairs on the carport, and $327 for the PO Box

Old Business
New Business
1. Upcoming Rides -See the Board Meeting Minutes for the list of upcoming rides. It is posted on the FST website. Watch Facebook for details.
2. The PO Box cost is going up every year. Dan tried to change the old contact information in their records but they didn’t do it which resulted in a late fee. He has drafted a letter and will try again to resolve it.
3. The Christmas party will be at the Pleasant Valley Community Center on December 14, 2024. The reservations are confirmed. We are working out details regarding food, etc.
4. Board Member elections will be held at the Christmas Party. At least two board members are leaving. This has been Dan’s third year as President so a new president will be chosen from among the board members. Anyone interested?
5. Leroy has agreed to continue allowing us to leave the club’s trailer at his property. He will keep it plowed so we have access. There is a fair amount of riding gear in the trailer. If anyone needs to borrow a helmet etc, especially a visitor or someone checking out the club, let one of the Board Members know.
6. We are looking for ideas to get the Club more in the public eye. Maybe have a booth at the next Go Winter! Expo (Oct 20-25) or invite a Newsminer or Channel 11 or 7 reporter on one of our trips?
7. Reminder: Get a RUG (Right of Way User Guide) for riding on the Pipeline.
8. Nov 11 is Veterans Day. Steve will meet at the Bakery for his annual Veterans Breakfast. Watch Facebook for details.
Meeting adjourned 8:10pm

Minutes submitted by Diane Cryer

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