General Membership Meeting 11-20-24

Minutes from the Board and General membership meetings.

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General Membership Meeting 11-20-24

#1 Post by dryer »

Fairbanks Snow Travelers General Meeting
Meeting Minutes

The General Meeting of the Fairbanks Snow Travelers was called to order at 7:07pm on Wednesday, Nov 20, 2024 at The Alaska Fun Center, Fairbanks, AK.

Board Members Present
Dan Cryer, Diane Cryer, Mike Canady, Melinda Harris

Financial Report
1. Checking $2431, Savings 6931, CD $3588
2. Checking increased due membership dues and a donation
Topics of Discussion
1. The Christmas party will be at the Pleasant Valley Community Center on December 14, 2024. The reservations are confirmed. Big Daddy’s BBQ will cater. Weather and trail conditions permitting, there will be a ride from the Nordale pull off to the Community Center. Cate, the race manager for the Yukon Quest, will speak.
2. Please RSVP to Dan by Dec 1 if you plan to attend the Christmas party.
3. The Lake Louise ride is confirmed. Please RSVP to Dan by Feb 1 if you plan to go.
4. Next ride: Wickersham and White Mountains. Mike C will lead. Watch Facebook for details.
5. If anyone wants to lead a ride on the “open” weekends, just post it on FB.
6. Board Member elections will be held at the Christmas Party. One board member is leaving. This has been Dan’s third year as President so a new president will be chosen from among the board members. Anyone interested?
7. We discussed how to involve soldiers and airmen in the club’s rides.
Speaker – Gabby Larry
1. Her husband started The Alaska Fun Center, and the building was built in 1959.
2. The power sports industry is strong and involves a lot of money, lobby groups, impact on the community.
3. We especially need people from the power sports community to join the Trails Advisory Commission.
4. Don’t forget to use your Membership Discount at the Alaska Fun Center.

Meeting adjourned 8:10pm

Minutes submitted by Diane Cryer

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