Fairbanks Snow Travelers General Meeting
Meeting Minutes
The General Meeting of the Fairbanks Snow Travelers was called to order at 7:06pm on Wednesday, Nov 20, 2024 at Delta Power Sports, Fairbanks, AK.
Board Members Present
Dan Cryer, Diane Cryer, Mike Canady, Melinda Harris, Tim Lokker, Rich Doering
Financial Report
1. Checking $2878, Savings 6944, CD $3588
2. The Annual Finance Report for 2024 was passed around the membership.
Topics of Discussion
1. The ride last weekend from Murphy Dome to Minto Lake was warm and windy.
2. Next ride: Saturday, Jan 18, from Chena Lakes to LaRae’s coffee shop. If you don’t want to ride, you can drive out there and eat and chat with us. Tim Lokker leads.
3. The Lake Louise ride is confirmed. Please RSVP to Dan by Feb 1 if you plan to go.
4. Dan will call MaClaren Lodge to confirm the cost. He will ask for two options, one with and one without meals included.
5. The club has a safety deposit box at Denali State Bank. It contains the original By-laws and Policies & Procedure, and costs $35/year. One member pointed out that one reason to keep it is so that these original documents will not get lost. Another member offered the option of having a lock box with a combination that would be brought to each Board Meeting and opened and inventoried to prevent it getting lost.
6. Club status: Our Federal 501C paperwork is current and we are in good standing. Our State of Alaska Non-profit incorporation status has been “involuntarily dissolved” as of 11-21-21. The Board will work to get re-instated. If you have any questions, contact Dan or Melinda. One member pointed out that being incorporated protects the Board members from being sued.
7. Board Elections: Ballots were distributed, collected and counted. The Board decided that they would not choose board positions tonight due to several board members being absent from the meeting. They will choose their positions at the next Board Meeting. Mike Doty and Chuck Taylor were voted in as Board Members. Tim Schackman has chosen to no longer be on the Board.
Meeting adjourned 8:45pm
Minutes submitted by Diane Cryer
General Membership Mtg Minutes 1-15-25
Moderator: john