Tolovana Hot Springs on Jan 21

Upcoming club rides. Who's got the skinny on the trip, when do we go, where do we meet ?

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Tolovana Hot Springs on Jan 21

#1 Post by dryer »

Upcoming Tolovana Hot Springs ride. I will be leading this ride on January 21st. The plan is to meet at the trailhead at 10:00am and depart at 10:30am. Located on the left side of the Elliot Hwy at mile 93. This trailhead is not marked, but the State plows out an area next to the road. Plan on a 2+ hour drive to get to the trailhead parking.
I was unable to get a cabin for the night, so this will be a day trip. (Cabins are in high demand and they are totally booked from November thru March. The average price per night is $250 for a cabin and there are only three of them).
The ride into the hot springs is 10 miles If you are up to it, you can hop into one of the tubs but you will be changing clothes out in the open. From there we will travel to the Tolovana River and to the Dunbar trail before we turn around. Total millage is estimated at 50 miles. A few of us will bring chain saws to cut logs that are across the trail. This area had a major forest fire about 5 years ago and there are many standing dead trees.

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