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1 Dec 07: 12mile summit trail

Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2007 2:31 pm
by buschn
I don't know the rules in the area for riding other than what we heard from BLM about the caribou hunt but here's a picture of the snow on the hilltops at twelve mile summit trail. I know you can't ride on the left(north) side of the road and the actual trail got pretty torn up by fourwheelers but the hilltops were great fun. I just tagged along on the hunt to ride snowmobiles so I dont know much about the location of the forty mile herd.[img]

Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2007 3:17 pm
by john
Combat hunting. We were there too and it was a crazy.

Did you see any bou at 12 mile ? We drove farther on to Miller House site and went up from there, but the trail was also torn up by the 4 wheelers. I almost took my 6 wheeler up instead but was glad I didn't. The 4 wheelers could make it, if they stayed on the road, but once you got off it it was sleds only :)

Actually pretty good riding on the hills off the road with a few exception that were wind blown.

Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2007 3:56 pm
by buschn
lots of dead ones coming from just north of the parking area and lots of tracks but no live ones, there were about 25 of them on a hillside north of the parking lot at sunrise but by the time we got there they were on the move and the 1981 ski-doo everst was having problems so we had to turn back.