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May 2, 2012 - Board Meeting

Posted: Tue May 08, 2012 7:07 am
by john
Attending: Tim Berg, Charlie Brummett, Steve Enoch, Heather Havel, Larry Morris, Peter Vredenburgh Missing: Jody Forman, Paul Renschen

* are to-do items

=> motions

Handed out and discussed the results of the survey taken at the April 18th general membership meeting. We will have a survey at each general membership meeting.

* Bring survey suggestions, questions to next Board meeting.

Previous ATV rides have had low attendance, but perhaps there is more interest now. Steve is interested in leading a Delta area ATV ride. There is a potluck / ATV ride over Memorial Day in the White Mountains, down in the milepost 57 entrance. Compeau's wants to come to the Memorial Day ATV ride and do a PR piece.

* Need a general RSVP / what bringing to get an idea of what else needs to be brought

* Charlie to get more detailed information posted online.

Board meeting day of the week and time changed. Board meetings will now be on the first Thursday of the month at 6:00 p.m. The next meeting will be June 7th.

* Charlie will have the time / day of the week updated online.

* Heather will contact Crystal and get newsletter updated.

Group Equipment Discussion:
Steve said historically there had been a lot of equipment and a process for money to be set aside for the group to buy needed equipment. However no records were kept, no inventory and things have gotten lost over the years.

=> Motion passed to gather all equipment in one locale. (unanimous of all attending members)

Temporarily so that an inventory of what the group owns and how much space it takes up, that locale will be Peter’s 40 foot Conex. Further research needs to done after the inventory for a Board member independent storage location.

* Charlie will check with John about any equipment he has and if he knows of any equipment any one else has.

* Heather will check with Jody about any equipment he has and if he knows of any equipment any one else has.

=> Motion passed to transfer signature rights / cards to Charlie and Peter (unanimous of all attending members) so on this date, May 2nd 2012 Charlie Brummett, President, and Peter Vredenburgh, Vice President, shall now have the rights to sign on behalf of the Snow Travelers group.

* Charlie needs to have the Board member email address added to the website.

Treasurer’s Report:

Checking: 1125.80

Savings: 1666.14

Life Savings: 1253.77

Larry is still trying to use the older free application for the 501 3c (non-profit) process, as the new application has a $800 processing fee.

Larry also discussed possibly moving to another bank, as he only accesses the group’s account as necessary and the password expires every three months and will lock when not used in a certain amount of time.

Peter has set up a business account at Carquest for members to get discount. It is fairly easy to print off membership cards and contact information could be added to it such as the SnowTravelers phone number and email. This membership card could then be used at Carquest and other businesses to get discounts if we set that up.

Peter and Steve will be attending the Borough assembly where the $250,000 cut to the Parks and Rec budget is being discussed.

Steve is going to the access reduction meeting at Denny's next monday. -I can’t find any mention of this meeting online! What meeting is this?!

* Heather will contact Jody about information about the SnowTravelers phone number.

Lifetime members get one free ad in the newsletter a year?

Snow Rhondy discussion:

Previous years the Snow Rhondy has been coordinated with the Army Corp of Engineers. However, two years ago (2011) they were in the midst of construction so coordination was done with the Borough as was this years. The 2011 Snow Rhondy was excellent, but this years did not go as smoothly. Pros and cons to coordinating with either, perhaps dual coordination would work as well. More research and discussion needs to be done. Larry and Steve will start out as liaisons at this time.

New business in the area - Denali Polaris. Additionally, the SnowTravelers have not had much dealing with the Alaska Fun Center and perhaps we should open discussions with them for becoming a business member and/or having General meetings at their location.

No general meeting scheduled this summer. General membership is invited to the ATV rides regardless if they have an ATV or not. There is camping normally.

By-laws discussion:

Paul sent out digital copy of the By-laws dated October 18, 1998.
Charlie brough hard copy of the By-laws dated as revised February 2006.
Neither copy has signatures.

It is possible either copy has not been approved by the General Membership, but we believe at least the October dated one has been. However, we are going to use the February one as a work copy. Board members need to bring their suggestions and changes to the next Board meeting for discussion. The Board will be presenting an updated copy at the first General meeting in the fall for discussion.

Adjourned at 7:20 p.m.